Link layer

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Error detection

Multiple access protocol organizes who talks first, and how to recover from a collision (multiple talking at once)

Channel partitioning

TDMA: time division multiple access

FDMA: frequency division multiple access

CDMA: code division multiple access

Random access

Slotted ALOHA

Unslotted ALOHA

CSMA: carrier sense multiple access

CSMA/CD (collision detection)


  1. NIC receives datagram from network layer, encapsulates in frame
  2. NIC senses channel. If busy, wait until free. Then, transmit
  3. If NIC transmits entire frame without detecting collision, NIC is done with frame.
  4. If a collision is detected, abort immediately, send jam signal
  5. After aborting, NIC enters binary (exponential) backoff

taking turns


Token passing

DOCSIS: data over cable service interface spec